Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves)
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Educational Loans for higher Education
Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Educational Loans for Higher Education

Sri Lankan students are aspiring day by day to study abroad in reputed universities. Studying in a foreign country brings you a lot of opportunities and promising carriers. The institutions across the globe offer different kinds of courses and also have various options to select. Other than that most overseas universities offer scholarship programs and financial assistance. In some cases to students which offer employment opportunities. Other than that there is another responsibility that should be fulfilled by the students and their parents. Funding for overseas education is a major factor that affects the types of courses that students enroll for and also the institute selected. The best form of financing is to select our Educational Loan for foreign education.

Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Educational Loans for Higher Education
Senior Citizens Savings Scheme
Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme
When you become old and when you no longer are the earning members in your family you will more often look to keep your life’s savings safe while earning moderate amount of return on that savings as well. For senior citizens it is always advisable to deposit their lifetime savings in a good savings account which will definitely give good interest rates with customized services overall convenience for senior citizens with good offers and good discounts you should always select a savings account as it ensures good safety of your money and an adequate number of possibilities.
Our bank offers saving accounts to make good banking experiences more effective and more reasonable and comfortable for their customers above sixty years of age. This account is specially designed for the citizens of our country. This account which comes packs with special benefits and privileges.
Loans for Agriculture and Agriculture Development
Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Senior Citizens Savings Scheme
Agriculture is the backbone of any country and definitely contains as no surprise to see banking institutions offer moneywise aid to farmers all across Sri Lanka. Agriculture loans are available for different kinds of farming related activities
Types of Agriculture Loans Available by our Bank
Loans available for the following fields
Agriculture loans offered by our bank are not only offered to farmers working towards the cultivation of food crops, but they are available to anyone who is engaged in other types agriculture–based sectors like animal husbandry and horticulture and so on. This has been particularly beneficial for those farmers who are not aware of banking practices. Moreover it is meant to protect farmers from bad creditors which will lead to massive debt.
Minors’ Savings Account
Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Minors Savings Account Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Minors Savings Account Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Minors Savings Account Educational Trust Savings Bank (Helping investors help themselves) - Minors Savings Account
Most banks in Sri Lanka have two separate versions of accounts for small children or minor’s one account for those below 10 years of age and another for those between the age of 10 years and 18 years. When you open a saving account in the name of your child who has not yet turned to it has to be operated jointly by the parent or guardian. Whereas those opened for minor between 10 years and 18 years of age and be operated by the child. Once the child becomes a major and the child turns 18 years old or becomes a major, the account becomes in-operative, then it has to be converted into a regular savings account. After that the account is treated as a normal saving account and the child has to fulfil the Account opening requirements.

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